
Add to your server Get verified Discord Community

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250,000+ Robloxians verified

Get RoVer Plus

Free Features

Verified users can be nicknamed to their Roblox name and given a specific role upon verification.

Highly customizable — Customizable nickname format, adding or removing a certain role upon verification, or toggling off certain features altogether.

Open Source — Completely self-hostable and easy to trust.

Millions of verified users — Most of your users are probably already verified with RoVer, making integrating with your community much easier.

Group integration — Full support for giving roles to group members or allies meeting an array of customizable parameters.

Binding roles to resources such as user owning a game pass, badge, or asset or DevForum membership.

Trusted by the best — RoVer empowers hundreds of thousands of servers, including many of the largest Roblox Discord communities.

RoVer Plus - $6/month

Automatic user updates. Users don't have to run a command to get their nicknames changed or roles updated.

Update everyone (up to 1000 at once). In a single command, update everyone in your server or of a certain role.

RoVer Plus in all servers that you own for one price. You can optionally transfer your Plus membership to another user after becoming a patron.

Unlimited role bindings. Bind as many roles as you want. The free version of RoVer can only bind up to 15 roles.

Better uptime - RoVer Plus is hosted on a dedicated server so it is unaffected by downtime that can affect the free RoVer bot.

Priority support - Have your questions answered before free users and get personalized help from a RoVer team member joining your server to assist with any issues.

Get RoVer Plus

Table of Contents

Jump Start Guide

The quickest and easiest way to use RoVer is to add the hosted version to your server. These are all optional:

  1. Create a role—it can be called anything, but most name it “Verified”—that will be given to all verified users.
  2. Drag the “RoVer” role above your role and any roles you would like RoVer to manage.
  3. Run the command !VerifiedRole RoleNameHere, replacing “RoleNameHere” with what your role is called.
  4. Modify your channel permissions so that only those with the role you made can speak or see them.
  5. Run the command !CreateVerifyChannel, which will create an instructional channel for new members of your server.

If you have a group, you can run !CreateGroupRanks <groupid> to create roles and bind them to the ranks from your group.

What is it?

RoVer is an open source, drop-in Discord verification bot that will allow your members to safely authenticate their Roblox account on your Discord server. This empowers your Roblox community with the following advantages:

Using RoVer

When a user joins your server, the bot will automatically check if they are already in our database, and if so, they will be verified immediately. If they are not already in the database, they will be instructed to go to the verification website to verify themselves. If you are using the hosted version of the bot, then the user will automatically be given the verified state after they verify on the website. However, if you are hosting the bot yourself, the user will have to run the !verify command in order for the bot to check if they are verified.

You should probably make a read-only channel in the server explaining these processes to your members. (You can do this automatically with the !CreateVerifyChannel command). After you add the bot to your server, you can customize RoVer with the following commands. You must have the Manage Server permission or a role named “RoVer Admin” in the Discord server in order to use these commands.

Please note that the “RoVer” role must be above any other roles that you want RoVer to act on. Anyone with a role that’s above the RoVer role will not be able to be verified. This is just how the Discord permission system works, so please make sure to account for it!


Note: <angled brackets> denote required arguments, and [square brackets] denote optional arguments. They should not be included when you run the command.

You can run any of the commands that have all optional arguments by themselves to set them back to their default state.

Server Configuration

Nickname configuration

Channel configuration



Help and Support

User administration

User commands

Magic Roles

Magic roles are special role names that can give specific users in your server special power. There are no commands needed to use these, all you need to do is create a role in your server matching these exact names and assign them to users. These roles are checked for by name exactly, so if you create these roles on your server, ensure that they are spelled and capitalized exactly the same as they appear below.

Integrating with Roblox Groups

Group bindings can be created to keep Discord roles up to date with Roblox group ranks. RoVer does not support or plan to support changing group ranks or shouts on, and you should be wary of any bots that offer this functionality, as this introduces a major security risk.

Group bindings can be created with the !Bind command.


Note: You need to put the Discord role name in quotation marks if it has spaces. If you don’t do this you will get unexpected results.

Virtual groups

Virtual groups are a way to bind ranks using the group rank binding system for external services that need not be Roblox groups, such as the developer forum. Currently, these are available by default:

DevForum (

Assets & Ownership


Group Affiliations

* indicates a heavily-cached resource that cannot be manually cleared. The cache will expire every two hours on the official version.

To create a role for all members of the dev forum in your server, use the following command:

!Bind DevForumMember DevForum

To create a role for all members who own a specific asset, use the following command:

!Bind Winner Asset:424242

To create a role for all members who own at least one of two assets, use the following command:

!Bind Winner Asset:424242 Asset:525252

To create a role for all members who are either in the DevForum, have OBC, or is in group 372372 as an owner:

!Bind DevForumOrOBC DevForum OBC 372372:255

Ranks in nicknames

If you want users’ group ranks to appear in their nickname, like “[PVT] evaera”, follow these steps:
